DaBaby has been a busy man as of late. He has been wrapped up in a few controversies, including new footage from the Walmart incident that took place back in 2018. He also shot a man on his property last month, however, he will not be facing charges due to the circumstances of the incident. Having said that, DaBaby is looking to get back at it in terms of music. Today, he dropped two new songs, including “Bonnet” which contains a feature from Pooh Shiesty.
As you can hear from the track below, “Bonnet” has some skeletal production that features tight claps and a synth in the back that sounds like a siren. Throughout the track, DaBaby offers up his usual flow all while delivering braggadocios and raunchy lyrics. The feature from Pooh Shiesty fits the song quite nicely, and these two have quite a bit of chemistry.
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